The Bridge: Vancouver, Washington's First Freestanding Birth Center

Families in Clark County, Washington may assume that a home birth or a hospital birth are their only two options when deciding where to deliver their babies, but there’s actually an alternative here in town that provides both the atmosphere of a home and the quality care of trained medical professionals.

The Bridge is the first and only freestanding birth center in Vancouver, Washington, founded in 2022 by Lynette Pettibone, who had a vision for starting a birth center ever since she applied for midwifery school in 2012.

She knew that by opening a birth center she would be able to serve more families than she ever could if she had focused solely on home births, and with an absence of birth centers in Vancouver at the time, she decided it was the perfect place to start one. 

What was once a 1940’s era farmhouse nestled between Vancouver’s I-5 and I-205 interstates is now a birth center with three rooms designed like a modern home, each with a queen sized bed, large birthing tub, and spacious shower.

The birth center also provides:

  • Birthing balls

  • Impeccably white bedspreads, bathrobes, and towels

  • A fully stocked kitchen with drinks and snacks

  • Medicinal herbs

  • Limited ultrasounds

  • Intermittent monitoring with a doppler

  • Nitrous oxide (pain relieving gas)

  • Medications for treating or preventing excessive blood loss

  • Resuscitation equipment for adults and newborns

  • Local anesthetics for times when stitches are needed

In The Bridge’s first year, from April 2022 to April 2023, they served 95 families through their pregnancy journey with prenatal, birthing, and postpartum care.

Lynette chose The Bridge’s name as a metaphor that holds many layers of meaning to its midwives and the families they serve. “We're the bridge between so many things. Pregnancy and parenthood, home and hospital, etc.,” said Lynette. “We're all about bridging gaps and creating connections.”

Student midwife Jannae Palovich assists a father with cutting his son’s umbilical cord at The Bridge Birth Center. Photo by Michaela Drew Photography.

Like most birth centers, The Bridge takes a natural, low intervention approach with their care, but they also have highly structured procedures and connections with the local hospitals for times when it is in the family’s best interest to be transferred for interventions such as epidurals or cesareans, which The Bridge does not offer. 

The Bridge also provides prenatal and postpartum care, even for families who choose a hospital delivery with different providers. The midwives are also in-network with most insurance companies, and sliding scale discounts are currently available as well. 

According to Lynette, The Bridge is the perfect fit for parents who “want to actively participate in their care and prefer true, informed choice. We're not going to tell you want to do, but rather provide education on the risks and benefits of different options and let you decide what is right for you and your family.

Curious what it might be like to give birth with The Bridge? These stories from local moms who chose The Bridge may give you a glimpse of what to expect.

Disclaimer: All information included in these stories came directly from each individual to Michaela Drew Photography for the sole purpose of this blog.

Alexis B.

When Alexis was deciding where to deliver her third baby, she was seeking a place where she could freely birth by her design without a lot of unnecessary intervention, and with a team who fully believed in the power of her intuition and body. She also wanted to be in a facility with a knowledgeable and discerning team that could quickly respond in an emergency.

“Our experience was so incredibly peaceful, life giving, sweet, tender, and empowering,” said Alexis. “I couldn’t believe it when I was driving home to sleep in my own bed with my new baby at midnight, after just arriving at 8pm. I wasn’t treated like a sick or wounded patient but a powerful mother. I felt honored and given dignity in some of the most important few hours of my life.”

Alexis described The Bridge’s midwife team as “highly knowledgeable” and “connected in the community.”  She added that whether you choose to have your baby in their birth center, in your home, or in a hospital “they can really help you walk through discovering and making an informed choice on what is best for your family.”

Rebeca S.


Photo courtesy of Rebeca S


Rebeca chose The Bridge because she wanted a water birth, but didn’t want to be confined by the parameters that the local hospitals set for their water births, such as requiring their patients to use a specific team of midwives. She also wanted to choose an option that would require less of a financial investment for her than a home birth would. 

A friend of a friend told Rebeca about The Bridge, and that it’s run by a team of midwives with a background in home births. “I was immediately attracted to their mission of having a birth center available for people with state insurance. So that's what led me to go check them out and ultimately choose them.”

When the time came for Rebeca’s baby girl to arrive, having a team of trained medical professionals there became crucial. “Even when my baby was born looking like a stillborn, she was so quickly taken care of, " said Rebecca. “My midwives were on top of it, not only calling the ambulance without skipping a beat, but also resuscitating my baby while they called.”

“It was a 45 second experience. It was so fast. And when the baby was resuscitated and doing well they called the ambulance again to say they didn’t need to come and it was under control. They were so confident in their skills, but also didn't hesitate to call for help. I just felt so safe because they did both really well.”

After the birth, Rebeca was also pleasantly surprised with smoothies that the midwives had made for her and her husband. “It was so good,” said Rebeca. “I 10/10 recommend The Bridge. The midwives are amazing. The midwife students are amazing.”

Katie D.

Photo by K. Doyle Photography

Katie chose The Bridge because she wanted a natural birth in a calm, home-like environment. “I was nervous about birthing in a hospital setting because I wanted to avoid interventions,” said Katie. “The Bridge feels cozy and comfortable and also has amazing birthing tubs!”

With the room quiet and the lights dimmed, Katie labored in the birthing tub, accompanied by her husband, midwives, and doula. She added that being in the water significantly helped with relieving her labor pains, and that The Bridge felt like a very safe space where she could take her time with her labor.

To those considering choosing The Bridge for their birth, Katie recommends connecting with other people who have given birth there to ask about their experiences, and having a backup plan in case a transfer is needed. 

If you decide to give birth at the birth center, she advises to not pack too much, but to remember to bring items that help you feel supported. “For me, that was healing stones, pajamas, and my mantra cards,” said Katie. “You won't be staying as long as you would if giving birth at a hospital, so don't overdo it.”

Christina J.

Photo courtesy of Christina J.

When Christina first found out she was pregnant, going the natural route was not originally her plan. She got in with an OBGYN and planned for a hospital birth with an epidural, but about 20 weeks into her pregnancy she came across a webinar about how to have a positive natural birth. “After watching it I was convinced I wanted to deliver my baby in the most natural way possible,” said Christina.

Christina searched for a local birth center, but at that time The Bridge Birth Center was not open for business yet, so she and her husband decided on a home birth with Lynette as their midwife. “After our first phone appointment with her I knew we would choose her as our midwife,” said Christina. “It was the best decision we made for our family.”

Christina’s birth didn’t go at all how she imagined or planned, but she said Lynette was there for her exactly when she needed her. “She is kind yet firm, and really knows what she’s doing,” said Christiana. “She honored my wishes and preferences for the birth and never made me feel uncomfortable in any way. As a new mom, I had so many questions and fears, but she gave me the assurance that everything was okay. And it was! I’m so thankful for Lynette and that she expanded into having her own birth center. It’s awesome to know that our community has such a good resource of care for mamas and babies.”

“The quality of care I received with her compared to a regular OBGYN could not have been more different. Our appointments were an hour long and we chatted about all things birth and beyond. It felt like hanging out with a friend. I was so sad when my appointments ended with Lynette because I genuinely enjoyed our time. She was interested in who I am as a person and how I wanted to give birth. I was never treated like just another patient. They treat you like family because they truly care. And I couldn’t be more grateful for that.”

Lilly M.

Photo courtesy of Lilly M.

After having negative experiences delivering her first two children in a hospital and a positive experience delivering her third at home, Lilly wanted a home birth again for her fourth baby. She chose The Bridge for her midwife team, acknowledging that they had limited availability for home births and that a delivery at their birth center would need to be her plan B if any other families were welcoming their babies at the birth center at the same time. 

The Bridge accepts a maximum of 2 home births a month in order to minimize the potential for overlap of births in separate locations, and this is primarily to accommodate families planning for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) which are not legally permitted in the birth center.

In Lilly’s case her labor came upon very quickly, and she did end up needing to come into the birth center since she wasn’t the only one in need of the midwives’ support through a birth that evening. As soon as she arrived she entered the birth tub and felt immediate relief. “75% of the pain went away,” said Lilly. 

As Lilly transitioned into pushing, with only about 20 minutes left before meeting her baby, she recalls saying “I can’t do this,” and yelling at her support team with words that she “didn’t really mean.” Her support team stayed by her side through it all, reminding her of her strength.

“The midwives and doula were very helpful in encouraging me to breathe down to birth the baby,” said Lilly. “After I had my baby, a midwife was with me almost at all times until I left the center. Also the main midwife Lynette made me food and provided yummy snacks.”

No matter where you decide to deliver your baby, it’s important to make a well-informed decision, and the midwives at The Bridge will happily provide their expert advice to help you decide on what’s best for you and your family. 

Click here to learn more about The Bridge

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